BARBAROSSA The War in Russia 1941-44 from Ark Royal Games for the Tandy 1000 the IBMPC and compatibles THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE ON THIS PRODUCT AND IN THE DISK PROGRAM MEANS THAT YOU MAY DO ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH THIS PROGRAM EXCEPT SELL IT, OR OFFER ANY PART OF IT FOR SALE. BARBAROSSA IS OFFERED AS SHAREWARE AND ARK ROYAL GAMES INVITES YOU TO GIVE COPIES TO YOUR FRIENDS. WE ASK THAT YOU REMEMBER THAT THE SHAREWARE PROGRAM, IN ORDER FOR IT TO SURVIVE, MUST BE SUPPORTED. PLEASE SUPPORT THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT AS WE HAVE BY SENDING $9 TO ARK ROYAL GAMES, POB 14806, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238. =================== Barbarossa is a single-player WWII simulation program using high resolution graphics. Player controls three German Armies and must capture 16 Russian cities to win. Length of game runs roughly 3-5 hours. There is game save. Requires one disk drive, 128K and graphics card. LOADING IMPORTANT: Commands in this text are shown in CAPS for clarity and ease of reading only. During play, make certain that CAPS key is off. Bring up system and insert game disk into drive A. If logged drive is not a then type a: or . Type BARBAR and press . (From here on out the RETURN key will be referenced as ). All files load automatically. For New game press . For File (saved game) press and answer the query by pressing the single key file designator decided upon when game was saved. After loading, player may remove game disk and store in a safe place. Player is also invited to make as many backup copies as he desires. P>lay S>ave Eit Player is prompted with this screen before play starts and at the end of every game turn. Player may save a game only at the end of a turn. To Play, press

. Play The game screen is divided into two fields, battlefield and command field. There are three battlefield screens , called SECTORS, ( 1,2, and 3--game starts in sector 1). Each sector consists of rough terrain (^ character), boarders (solid lines), towns (buildings) and units. Russian units are red, German units yellow. (These colors change during snow months.) Partisans are green, which makes them often hard to locate. Terrain details are green. At the top of the battlefield is a green line and two small red half circles about 1/3 of the way from the start and end of this line. These circles show the lateral (sideways) movement limits of the three army groups, North, Central and South. More on this later. The command field (hereafter called CF) identifies the blinking unit showing on the battlefield. The CF displays information about the unit (number, name, army group, combat STRength), and general information: supply factors remaining, weather and SECtor. Weather information disappears in favor of movement information when unit is moved. Unit information is given as unit is called with SPACEBAR. Units are called in order, from 1 to 34. After calling unit 34, counting starts over. A unit may be skipped over and returned to later. Only units that are not eliminated and have movement remaining are displayed. Player may quickly jump over units of a given group (or go back) by pressing the initial of the army group-n,c,s. The first unit not eliminated or moved in the called army group will be displayed. EX: Units #1-6 have been moved. Player presses . Unit displayed is unit #10, first unit in Army Group Central. Player skips to unit #14 by pressing four times. He moves units #14-17 and then presses to return to Army Group north. Unit #7 is displayed since #1-6 have already moved. If player calls again then unit #10 will be displayed since it was skipped, not moved before. Commands that affect units will only affect unit displayed. From this screen player may press to call Help Screen which gives an annotated listing of all commands. COMMANDS There are two types of commands, General and Unit. There are also subcommands of each. All commands are listed below for reference. A Air strike B Blitzkrieg D Detail/reinforce E Ends movement H Help I Intelligence M Move unit P Patrol Q Quit turn T Transfer Y City listing General Commands Detail: Pressing displays a detail of all units under player's command. Unit number, name and combat strength are shown. For ease of location, armor unit names are displayed in black, others in violet. Eliminated units are shown in red. Flashing units are those in need of reinforcement. IF SUPPLY IS 200 OR GREATER, player may reinforce any non eliminated unit by pressing and then unit number of the unit being reinforced. Armor units are reinforced to a strength of 24, others except airflottes to a strength of 14. If unit is an SS unit, add two to this amount. Airflottes may not be reinforced. Cost, in supply factors (hereafter called SF) is 200 for armor units, 100 for other eligible units. Reinforced unit forfeits movement. Supply amount is displayed in the upper right of the screen. Press to return to battlefield screen. Intelligence: By pressing player may view his intelligence screen. Many things are displayed including the initials of Russian towns, the last patrol/contact report, the status of fighting in a given town sector, the number of partisans operating, airflotte combat strength and the total strength of all his forces. Press to return to play. Second Move: Second move occurs automatically after all units have moved but only in clear weather months. Or player may call 2nd Move ahead of time by pressing <2>. Once in second movement phase, however, player may not go back to 1st movement. Second movement pertains only to heavy and light panzer units, and mechanized infantry units. Second movement allows two free moves in accordance with all the restrictions and conditions given under normal movement above. Note: During second move, or in months in which there is no second move, date on CF will be red instead of green. Transfer: Player may transfer a unit to its adjacent army group by moving the unit as far toward the new army group as possible then ending its movement. A low tone sounds and the letter "L" appears on the right of the CF to indicate this position to be the horizontal limit. The next turn player presses to transfer that unit and then presses N,C,S, depending on the initial of the new group. If player changes his mind he may press . It costs 100 SF's to transfer a unit each time it transfers. City listing: Press . The initials of Russian cities are displayed on the screen over the towns. Red letters indicate Russian control, Yellow letters (White in snow months) indicate German control. Unit Commands Movement: Press to place displayed unit in movement. Moving unit flashes. Move unit with arrows. Unit's remaining moves will display in CF. Armor and mechanized movement through rough terrain or cities is at the rate of 1 move per turn. Armor and mechanized infantry may not cross over or end their move on other units. Moving onto another unit ends movement and causes them to retreat 1 move back toward the bottom of the screen. Regular infantry may move across other units but may not end move on another unit. Moving next to a Russian unit (contact) causes combat which ends movement for all units. Player may end movement early by pressing in movement phase. IMPORTANT: Air units on an air strike are not restricted by terrain or other units. Blitzkrieg: Press to place unit in Blitzkrieg operation. Blitzkrieg is the same as Movement but gives unit a good attack modifier for any contact it encounters but at greater supply cost. Blitzkrieg may not be called if supply drops to zero or below. Blitzkrieg has no affect on air strikes other than to drastically reduce supply. Patrol: Press

. Like movement except unit returns to original position after moving and no more than three German or Russian losses will occur during any combat. Air strike: Press during any unit's movement. Airflotte in unit's army group may now be moved to any target location within 15 moves of its starting position as long as the target is NOT in another army group. Move airflotte with arrow keys. Press when over target. Explosions occur in position beneath or to the left or right of target. When strike is over, airflotte returns to its starting location. Afterward, both the airflotte and original unit are finished moving that turn. Airflottes may suffer losses during air strikes. Airflottes may called themselves to an air strike. During clear weather months airflottes may be moved like any other unit. We'll refer to this as staging. Staging airflottes may capture cities or experience combat if moved next to an enemy unit. Airflottes may not stage or be called to strike during mud or snow months. EX: Player places Unit #15 in movement phase by pressing . The weather is clear. He then presses . Airflotte #2 (Army Group Central) is now able to move to any target in its group. Player presses when over target. At end of mission airflotte goes back to its original position. By pressing , player sees that Airflotte #2's Combat Strength (hereafter called str) is now 8, a loss of 2 from its original str. Both the calling unit (#15) and Airflotte #2 are finished moving that turn. PLAY The object of the game is to capture all Russian cities before the January 1944 turn. To do this player must battle Russian units, partisans, bad weather and intermittent supply. Units: There are four logical symbols for all German units. The large tanks represent heavy panzer units, small tanks the light panzer units, the double-infantry graphic represent infantry, mechanized infantry and panzer grenadier; and the airplanes represent airflottes. Russian units (in red) are designated by the large tank and the single running graphic. This latter symbol is also used to represent partisans (green). There is no Russian air power in the game. Unit Movement & Weather & o/s* clear mud snow o/s* panzer 4 1 2 1 lt panzer 5 2 3 2 infantry 3 2 1 1 airflotte 4 none none none mech infantry/grenadier=same as panzer *out of supply CITIES BRE-Brest (1/300) DNE-Dnepropetrovsk (1/350) KAR-Karkov (2/450) KIE-Kiev (2/400) KUA-Kuanas (1/300) KUR-Kursk (2/450) LEN-Leningrad (5/550) LWO-Lvow (1/150) MIN-Minsk (2/400) MOS-Moscow (7/600) ODE-Odessa (1/350) RIG-Riga (1/300) ROS-Rostov (1/300) SMO-Smolensk (3/500) STG-Stalingrad (7/600) VIT-Vitebsk (1/300) Chart lists initials of Russian city names shown when is pressed during play. In parenthesis are victory point (hereafter called VP) and supply allocations. Initials are RED when city is under Russian control and Yellow/White when under German control. EX: Player captures KUAnas. He presses and notes that his VP's have increased by 1. On the Command Screen he notes that his SF's have increased by 300. After pressing he sees that 'KUA' now appears in yellow (White in snow months). To capture a city, unit must END its movement on a city location free of Russian units. (In larger cities this 'capture location' may require some searching.) Armor and mechanized units automat- ically stop when reaching a city but infantry and air units must have their moves ended by pressing . A high pitched tone is generated when city is captured. A City may only be captured once even if partisans move into it later. Quit Usually turn ends automatically after all units have completed their movement, but player may end turn any time by pressing in place of another command. Player may continue playing by pressing

, may exit the game by pressing or may save the game by pressing . Save To say a game player must press and then any key (called file designator, or FD) for use in identifying saved program. All files saved will be prefixed by the FD. Player should save game on a blank disk. Victory & Defeat Game ends when player A) captures all Russian cities or B) the game enters the January 1944 turn or C) the total strength of all his units falls below 75. Only in (A) may the player achieve victory. An end of game screen will advise player of the victory condi- tions. Modifiers A modifier is a constant value added to the combat randomizer table which forces to odds to favor one combatant over the other. Positive Modifiers favor player; negative Modifiers favor Russian unit. Positive modifiers occur when German unit attacks from above Russian unit or when in Blitzkrieg mode. Negative modifi- ers occur during bad weather months and when supply reaches zero or less. EX: A German panzer unit Blitzkrieg attacks a Russian unit from above. Two positive modifiers are present. The Russian unit is not eliminated and counterattacks. No modifiers are present. Combat Most of the time Russian units will not 'stack' (be together in the same location), but when they do stack player will note the 'shadow' the other unit beneath it. This is due to the sprite like graphics used in this program. Combat occurs when any unit moves next to a Russian unit. Losses of both units are displayed briefly on the CF after the battle. German units will retreat from all combat unless Russian unit is eliminated. Occasionally Russian unit will counterattack. When this happens all combat modifiers (including zero supply modifier) are forgotten. Russians tend to fight better and receive more reinforcements to their cities in winter. Russians will not reinforce cities after capture though partisans may appear there. Partisans, though not the calibre of fighter as the Russian soldier, are a major factor nevertheless and should be eliminated quickly. SECTORS BARBAROSSA uses three screens to provide the portion of the map of Russia pertinent to the game. Note SEC 1 in CF at game's start. Sectors are changed automatically when a German unit moves off the top of the screen from sectors 1 and 2; and when it moves off the bottom of the screen from sectors 2 and 3. Supply Much has been written about the German Wehrmacht in Russia. Blame for its failure has been placed on everything: weather, American aid and Hitler's blunders. But anyone even briefly studying the campaign will note that in spite of all the blunders and snow and Ford trucks, the Germans, when properly supplied, performed phenomenally. It was obvious then in designing BARBAROSSA that supply had to play a major role. Player starts with 2200 supply points. He gains supply by capturing Russian cities and by surviving until the spring of the following year. The latter starts in March, 1942 and repeats in March, 1943. The amount of supply is fixed for the cities (see city chart) and dependent on victory points in the latter. Formula is: VP x 50 = new supply (added to total). EX: Player has 1500 Supply points and captures Karkov during the February 1942 turn. His supply total immediately increases by 450 to 1950. (We'll ignore supply losses for combat, partisans, and movement.) He now has a total of 11 victory points. During the turn change to March, 1943, his supply increases 550 (11 X 50) bringing his total to 2500. Player loses supply by a)movement {if unit strength is greater than 3} b)combat c)transfer d)partisans. All but partisans have been explained elsewhere. Loss of supply to partisans is calculated upon the total strength of the partisan unit(s) X 2. This information is supplied after every move on the Intelligence Screen. Player should check intelligence continuously. At the end of the turn (not move) this amount is subtracted from total supply. Total loss of supply (supply may run negative) reduces movement to a crawl (see chart). Loss of supply precludes 2nd movement and Blitzkrieg; and also gives a terrible negative modifier to all combat. Loss of supply penalties are initiated during turn change and conversely are removed during the turn change follow- ing supply's return to positive. Weather From March to August the weather will generally be clear, though there is a slight chance it will be mud. From September to December weather is usually mud; January and February are always snow months. Screen colors change during changes in weather. Clear = Gray, Mud = Brown, Snow = Off White. Unit colors remain the same except in snow months when German units take on a white color and Russian units become a soft maroon. Partisans are always the color of rough terrain. Palette In the event that the unit and weather/terrain colors do not suit player's needs, he may change them with the following: From the Battlefield Screen press: l: (lower case L) to change unit colors. Continue pressing until satisfied. g: (lower case G) to change terrain color. Press until satisfied. Colors are saved during any game save and will be present from then on--even if NEW game is started--until colors are changed and saved again. BARBAROSSA is a product of Ark Royal Games, P.O. Box 14806, Jacksonville, Florida, 32238, Copyright (C) 1985, Phil Keller, and is offered as SHAREWARE. Inquiries regarding this or any other Ark Royal product should contain an SASE.